Blog Post

Blog: my week in the news

  • by Zara
  • 25 May, 2019

Why is the news important to me? What did I learn this week?

This week was a very important week in British politics. Theresa May resigned from her role as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. If I was her I would have never resigned because I would always want to remain as Prime Minister – one of the most important jobs there is! It must have been a very hard job though because lately she has been unpopular in her own party so she has not had very much support. It must be very difficult convincing people about what is the best way of leaving the EU when everybody has so many different opinions.  I felt sad watching her speech as she had tears at the end. I wonder who will be the next leader of the Conservative Party? I would love to join the Conservative Party and vote in the election to choose between the two finalists!

I was also very sad this week as Judith Kerr passed away. She was the author of lots of interesting books for children. I think her most famous book has to be “The Tiger who came to Tea’’.   When I was young, my mum would read it to me every night before I went to bed. It was one of my favourite books!

Another interesting story this week was about eating insects. I had never heard about anyone eating insects until I heard this story. How disgusting! I still do not think that I will try eating them! I am also quite shocked at hearing that wasps are not as bad as people think they are because they are very good at keeping other annoying insects away. I am still not going near any wasps though!

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