Blog Post

1st October Blog: my week in the news

  • by Zara
  • 01 Oct, 2019

Why is the news important to me? What did I learn this week?

This week we have been talking about lots of interesting news stories but my favourite one was about the first UAE astronaut to visit the International Space Station. Imagine how he must be feeling! He must be so proud and so is everyone else here in the UAE. I wonder how he felt when he was taking his last steps on Earth and going towards the rocket. It must be very exciting but scary for him.

Another story that we covered was collapse of Thomas Cook. I have learnt a bit recently about businesses going into administration as I remember doing a story a short while back about Jamie Oliver’s restaurant business going into administration. It must be very sad for all the people who work at Thomas Cook and who have now lost their jobs. This is an example of technology leading to job losses because most people now book holidays themselves over the internet and don’t need travel companies like Thomas Cook.

After all that we have learnt about prorogation it was exciting to hear the Supreme Court’s decision. So even prime ministers can make mistakes!

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