Blog Post

18 January 2021 Blog: my week in the news

  • by Zara
  • 24 Jan, 2021

Why is the news important to me? What did I learn this week?

This week has been filled with exciting news stories. Donald Trump has now been impeached twice! President Trump was impeached earlier this month after the recent protests at the Capitol. As you know from our last episode, Donald Trump posted that these protests should end but called the protestors “patriots”. Mr Trump was not convicted the first time that he was impeached and I wonder whether he will be lucky again this time? He has definitely made history though as it is very rare for a US president to be impeached and he has been impeached twice!

Another interesting story I read about was that the Queen raven from the Tower of London was missing and could be dead. I am sure that all of the members of staff are feeling quite sad at the thought that this raven could be dead.

I also really enjoyed hearing about the Consumer Electronics Show. I loved hearing about all the amazing inventions. I particularly liked the robot helper – we could do with one of those in our house at the moment to take over some of my chores!

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