Blog Post

16 June 2020 Blog: my week in the news

  • by Zara
  • 16 Jun, 2020

Why is the news important to me? What did I learn this week?

As you know, the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests are continuing. After George Floyd died, many people started to protest in different ways. Well, this week people have actually been vandalising statues! I am very shocked that people are actually destroying statues of very historical, important people. In the UK some statues have been covered to protect them from being vandalized. I am actually just so surprised that people are still going out to protest during a pandemic. Aren’t they worried about catching the coronavirus? They must be feel very strongly about racism which is an important issue although I don’t think anyone should be vandalizing anything.

On a happier subject, I enjoyed reading about the Queen’s official birthday. It’s a shame that she could not celebrate as she usually does. I wonder if we will see the Queen out in public again because she is quite old and will probably not be able to risk going out in a crowd whilst this pandemic continues.

Speaking of birthdays, I would also like another birthday this year. I had a fantastic party planned which I had to cancel! Let’s hope next year is different and we can all celebrate our birthdays with huge parties, not just Zoom parties.

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