Blog Post

11 January 2021 Blog: my week in the news

  • by Zara
  • 12 Jan, 2021

Why is the news important to me? What did I learn this week?

Welcome back to the first episode of NewzKidz after the winter break! We have quite a few new stories to catch up on, such as England’s third lockdown and the Washington DC riots. However, first I need to ask how was your break? I had an amazing winter holiday! I baked some delicious, festive treats with my friends and family and travelled to Ras Al Khaimah for a staycation but I am glad to be back at school and get back to my normal routine.

Speaking of schools, England has now gone into its third lockdown and all schools have had to close for most children and move to remote learning. In my opinion, I don’t think England has handled this pandemic very well from the start. I personally have not heard of many countries that have had more than one national lockdown although perhaps there are some others in the rest of Europe too. Although it was wise of them to put tighter restrictions during Christmas. I do think that children have spent more time doing distance learning than being in school in the past year and that is such a shame.

America has also been chaotic. Last week, Republican protesters stormed the Capitol Building and caused havoc all around the area. President Trump claimed that he was not part of this but I got the impression that he did seem to approve of these protests as he called the protestors “patriots”.  I wonder whether the Vice President will use the 25th Amendment?

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